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At Bison Mat, we are in a business that’s easily taken for granted. How many times, after all, do you walk into a person’s office and pay attention to their chair mat? Probably not often.


How often do you think about your own chair mat? That’s a slightly different question. The answer probably depends on the condition of your mat. If it’s a new mat, maybe you’re still admiring it…or not thinking about it at all. If it’s cracked, you probably notice it all the time. If it’s got grooves worn into it from your chair or if you’ve found that its steep edges make your chair fall off a cliff if you roll too far to one side, you’re probably noticing it more.

At Bison Mat, we are also in a business that’s good for business.

We recognize that, while our products aren’t for everyone, they are for some. We are in a business that’s helping good work get done in a wide range of industries across our nation. We are in executive level offices and in shared employee work spaces. We are equipping people in their homes, after a pandemic demanded that they redefine and rethink their own living space to accommodate a different concept of “going to work.” We are in offices, houses, warehouses, and workshops. We’re supporting people while they work and while they play.

Premium Quality that Performs

If you become an owner of a Bison Mat, then the chances are that you won’t think about your chair mat ever again. It won’t cause the wheels of your chair to abruptly fall off an edge and interrupt your workflow. It won’t crack and splinter and need to be replaced in a year. It will protect your floor, protect your chair, and keep you working. You’ll buy one of our mats and go about your business.

And you won’t even notice we’re there.

As you consider what you need in the space where you work, create, and spend more than half of your day, consider that it’s not always about the things you see right away. What you need is quality surrounding you. You need premium defining your space so that it becomes part of your brand. You need something that’s good for you, for the work you do, and for the space where you do it.

And that’s why we’re here.

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